What Hardware Device Can Be Inserted Into a Network to Allow an Administrator to Monitor Traffic?

A packet sniffer is the solution. Packet sniffers are hardware solutions that allow network administrators to inspect network communication. A network sniffer is a computer that captures traffic on a network segment and copies it for examination.

Sniffers are also known as network analyzers, packet analyzers, and protocol analyzers.

What is the Purpose of a Flowchart?

A flowchart is a type of diagram that depicts a process or procedure. It is used by network engineers to record the phases of a procedure. There are several symbols and lines in a flowchart diagram. Each represents one stage in the process.

A flowchart can be used to document how a network administrator performs a specific operation.

What is the Purpose of a Spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet is used to do calculations and calculate things. It’s comparable to a database in that it’s utilized to keep records, but it’s different from one in that it allows you to change or manipulate those facts. A network inventory spreadsheet is an example of a spreadsheet. Network managers use a spreadsheet to keep track of the hardware and software on their networks.

What is the definition of a Virtual Server?

A virtual server is a virtual machine that may house many other virtual servers on a single physical machine. A virtual server can be used to host several websites, email servers, and other services. A virtual server and a virtual machine are used to host multiple virtual servers.

What is the Purpose of a Flowchart?

A flowchart depicts a series of symbols and lines. Each symbol represents a stage in the process. A flowchart, for example, may be used to record how a network administrator accomplishes a task.

In Conclusion

A packet sniffer is a hardware device that allows network administrators to monitor traffic on their networks. A flowchart is used to show the process of a procedure or operation. A spreadsheet can be used for calculations and computing, while a virtual server may house many other servers in one physical machine.

A packet sniffer is the solution. Packet sniffers are hardware solutions that allow network administrators to inspect network communication. A network sniffer is a computer that captures traffic on a network segment and copies it for examination.

Packet sniffers are also known as network analyzers, protocol analyzers, and analyzers (among others).

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