DPS stands for Damage Per Second. It is a standard measure of the rate at which an action deals damage to opponents, or heals allies. The dps rating may be increased by adding skills, gear, and runes that increase dps. This article will answer common questions about dps in gaming and provide useful tips for dps boosters!
What is DPS in gaming?
Damage Per Second (DPS) is a statistic that measures the amount of damage dealt to opponents or healed to allies in one second. Adding skills, equipment, and runes that boost dps may improve the dps rating.
Dps in the game is defined as damage in numbers divided by the time it takes to inflict it. Simply put, the more damage you inflict per second, the higher your dps. That’s why all the characters strive in one way or another to increase this indicator to the highest possible level – this will allow winning in duels or PvP, pass complex dungeons faster and participate in raids effectively.
Where is it used?
The most common use of this indicator is to compare the power of dd’s in RPG games like World of Warcraft, RIFT, Reactoonz, Perfect World, Aion. It describes their strength and ability to throw in all their damage-causing abilities quickly without taking into account the target’s chances to dodge, block or parry.
Before going to dungeon or raid you will be asked to tell the value of your dps to understand if your character is suitable or not. And if the score is too low in comparison with other members of the party, you’ll simply refuse and advise to look for another group and go to an easier dungeon.
It is important – a low damage of at least one member of the group reduces the chances for successful passing and makes the whole process more difficult and longer.
How do you know yours?
Use special add-ons, such as Recount or Skada. In them, you can control your dps, analyze logs and prepare your character for the raid.
To get the count right, find a training dummy with a skull in one of the capitals and beat it for three minutes using your character’s skills and tricks. It is important not to use buffs, potions, and other enhancements that affect “pure” dps. On a mannequin, the score will be much lower than in a raid – just because of the lack of buffs and other boosts.
Important – too high is also not good. If it’s higher than the group average, you’ll be blowing away aggro monsters and bosses, get too involved in the battle and let everyone down at the most unexpected moment. This happens to almost every dd who thinks he’s the coolest.
How do I increase my dps rating?

There are many ways you can boost your dps rating:
- Add skills that allow you to attack faster (examples include Wind Slash with Cyclone Armor)
- Use weapons/gear pieces with high DPS ratings
- Equip Runes that have the “increased X” stat (examples include PvP Power Rune of Perplexity)
Is dps useful?
DPS is an important gaming metric that allows players to see how effective their dps rating is compared to others. It can also be used as a measure of the effectiveness of skills, gear, and runes.
As you increase dps through upgrading weapons/gear pieces or adding dps-increasing skills/runes, you will notice your attacks become faster (for physical DPS) or more powerful (for magic).
What are the benefits of increasing dps?
There are many reasons why players try to boost their dps:
- Increase damage output by attacking opponents faster; thus allowing them less time to attack back
- Deal enough damage quickly enough so enemies cannot heal themselves effectively after taking initial damage
- Gain the upper hand in PvP battles by dps-ing opponents before they have a chance to dps you
- Steal kills from other players by dps-ing enemies quickly
How to calculate your DPS

Your dps is calculated by taking the average damage of an attack and dividing it by its cooldown time.
For example: If you cast a spell that does 100 points of magic damage to your opponent, but has a 45 second cooldown, then your dps would be 200/45 = ~0.045 dps. This means each second of combat, you deal 0.045 dps worth of damage on average (or put another way—you could expect to see about two attacks per minute from this skill).
As you can see dps is a useful gaming metric that tells players how fast their attacks are compared to others. You can increase dps in several ways, which will allow you to improve your damage output and effectiveness in PvP battles.
DPS increases make combat much more enjoyable for many gamers!